Monday, January 13, 2025

putting my money where my mouth was

 I've had a few of my readers ask me why I feel the need to "poke the bear" on the topic of Christian-led conspiracy theories.  I though I'd take a minute and explain myself - and yes, Matilda, this is my way of asking you to join me.

If you were a conservative Christian at the time of 9/11, you heard a lot of people showing a lot of ignorance towards people not of the Christian persuasion.  I personally came to the aid of a Muslim family in Kirkland, Washington just a few days after 9/11 who were being accosted by several WASP grown-up people on a sidewalk near a bus station.  When I tried to point out to these miscreants that they were obviously not assailants, one of them said, "It's doesn't matter.  They are a couple of them."  These men were lofting rocks at fucking children.  Needless to say, I found their actions reprehensible, and I quickly put the family in my car and extricated them from the situation.

Also, during this time, I was pretty much at the height of my conservative viewpoint beliefs.  I listened to a lot of talk radio, specifically Bryan Knight and Kirby Wilbur (local Seattle-ites), and eventually more national people like Sean Hannity and Larry Elder.  All these men openly confessed their faith in Jesus, and through the histrionics there was a repeat of one semi-reasonable question- "If Islam is a message of peace, how come the Muslims don't police their own?" I also started hearing this question asked in the pulpit, even by my own pastor at the time, Ken Hutcherson at Antioch Bible Church.  (Hutch left off the first part of the question and just said, "it's time that the Muslims police their own" - paraphrased)   

There's no argument that the first part of this question is inflammatory.  But the question of policing their own did seem reasonable.  At that time, Muslims didn't seem to be doing that (and I'll not debate whether or not they do now.  That is not the point.)  And somehow, from a Christian perspective, this was actually more a central idea than trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.  (THANK GOD that didn't happen, because.......Crusades, anyone?)

I am, where are my ADHD meds?

We all know now that not all Muslims are terrorists.  Most (99%) of Muslims are people like me and you, just trying to make it through their day, go to work, go to the grocery store, have time with their kids, etc.  They have no desire to cause harm to anyone for any reason.  It is a few, very loud and fringy Muslims that have caused problems in the world. Please understand that I am, in no way, trying to convert anyone to Islam, nor am I giving a pass to the Cro-Magnons who use women, children, the aged and innocent hostages as human shields, or hide their weapons caches in schools and hospitals - that is another topic for another time.  (Let's stay on target....)

The Muslims who do these terrible things have injured relations far beyond their religion.  They have created a stigma against not only a belief, but to a culture and a lifestyle.  The average American fears Islam, and yet, the perpetrators of these acts of violence are not in concert with the vast majority of Muslims.  While the case can be made that this is more a case of America's reaction, I'm afraid to say that a lot of European countries share this same belief.  At the very least, it's 50/50 as to fault here.

In this country (U.S.A.) we are actually faced with almost the same problem.  Oh- make no mistake - there is violence in the actions of these people.  At the very least, there is shunning and gossip, in the middle there are legal procedures and arrests being made, and on the far end outright shooting and killing.  And it's happening at a scale that we actually haven't seen before in American history - a history that is being revised based on lies, hearsay, ignorance, really-not-very-thinly veiled racism and gaslighting at an unbelievable pace.

I'm talking about the Conservative Christian movement and churches, specifically Evangelical Churches.

The outright blasphemy that we are seeing now in this country is in equating God with a particular political party.  In the evangelical circles this is the idea that conservative principles are in line with God's will, and everything else isn't.  Since the Bible says, "whoever is not with me is against me" - and since the Republicans are in line with God's will, that means that the Democrats are therefore misguided, anti-God and evil.

Except that's not what the Bible says, nor is this the context correct in talking about a viewpoint.  That text (taken from Matthew 12:30 & Luke 11:23) that is so paramount to the Republican dogma, is said by Jesus, to the Pharisees and Sadducees simultaneously, and it is in regard to Jesus' arrest.  If you must equate this to a political statement, it is very fair to view the Pharisees and Sadducees as opposite political parties (and that's an understatement) and therefore Jesus is scolding both sides equally.  No favorites, no one closer to Him than the other.  God is neither Liberal nor Conservative.  Or a Socialist, a Communist, Anarchist, member of an Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune that takes turns every Tuesday to elect.......(if you aren't a Monty Python fan, I apologize).  God is God.  He transcends all men's flimsy attempts to understand Him.  Full stop.

Here's why this is important: if make the argument that you are in line with God while others are not, that means that others are anti-God.  One of the first time something like this has happened (from a Christian perspective) was all the back in 1095, when Pope Urban II delivered a sermon calling for all the armies of the western world to join ranks and take Jerusalem back from the Seljan Turks.  We now refer to this as the "First Crusade", and the Pope's argument was nothing more than "Deus Vult!" ("God Wills It!"). That set off a chain of events that killed thousands.  The Second Crusade was orchestrated by Pope Eugenius III, and was originally fought to help the County of Edessa (which had fallen to the Saracens). During the march to The Holy Land, the Pope said that the taking of Damascus in 1146 was also "Deus Vult!", and thousands of people were slaughtered (mainly innocent Turks) and the Crusaders were defeated, badly.

This is why a little knowledge of history is so vital, because it shows you what the human species is capable of over time.

The current American evangelical churches do not have a pope.  It has hundreds of them.  Hundreds of men and women who claim that they are "just preaching the word" and filling their congregations with absolute poison.  They deride and divide, and they flat out lie about things in order to control their congregations, and they make any and all excuses to never actually question the things that they have "learned" (read: heard) from others in their particular echo chamber.  And the Republican party has somehow equated themselves with God.

One thing you must understand is that almost the entirety of the rest of the Christian world does not believe that the American Christian Evangelical Church speaks or believes for them.  There is no analog in any other western country that is equating faith in politics the way we do here in this country.  Why is that?  Because most of those countries have already had their fill state-run religion/propaganda and know first-hand what it brings.  America doesn't have a state-run religion.  


We've all heard the Biblical statement, "They will know we are Christians by our love" - that actually isn't in Scripture.  It's a loose interpretation of John 13:34-35, where Jesus is charging his disciples:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

This is the serious problem in the Christian church today.  If you look at the Scripture above, the operative word is "if", and the imperative statement is "love one another as I have loved you".  There is no rejoinder of "if they agree with you" or "if they follow what you follow".  The imperative is clear here.  Jesus' love for his disciples (and mankind) knew no boundaries whatsoever.

But yet, we have a set of "Christians" who think it's ok to spread rumor and discord, divisiveness and distance, name calling and all sorts of other things in the name of "God" in the name of "just preaching the gospel". 

Yeah, well so was the Pope Urban II back in 1095.  So was Eugenius III in 1146. So was Torquemada.  So was Henry VIII, Samuel Parris and William Stoughton, Rasputin and Hitler.  They all claimed that they had special knowledge from God, and to disagree with them was to disagree with God.  In turn, thousands of people were injured and killed. 

Their own followers won't hold them accountable.  Recently, it came out that the leader of one of the largest evangelical churches in the US had had sexual relations with a minor some 20 years prior, and the leadership of his church hid it.  When it came to light what had happened, about 50,000 people had their entire spiritual lives turned upside down- and then the congregation was asked to pray for restoration??!??  Does God forgive someone who does this?  You bet your bippy He does, but He doesn't say that they get to keep their gig as a result.  I was a member and on the music team at a megachurch here in the Seattle area in the late 90's who went through something like that (pastor screwing around) and I can tell you first-hand how bad that hurts- and doubly so as those around you double down on the lies that are being said all around you.

And now, these same people who will whitewash the sins of the people they agree with, have no trouble degrading others that are not in their camp who have done similar things at the political level, all the while claiming that their "anointed one" is working with God.  

Yes, I'm talking about the Mango Moron.

Let's look at this: If you want to say that the 34 felony counts and the sexual abuse cases are politically motivated, what can you say about things that happened before he was in politics?  Things like not paying his workers and contractors; his taking out a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of people accused of a crime and not yet convicted; lawsuits brought against him in the 1970's in Louisiana because he had been refusing to rent properties to black people and all his failed businesses.  And the fact that he actually admitted to committing adultery on his 3rd wife; AND is on record having said that he never needed God's forgiveness for anything - and the evangelicals white wash that with "everyone has a past".  That's a fair statement, but when Kamala Harris changes her mind on fracking it's like the world is going to end if she is elected.

Now, if you, my gentle reader is of the more conservative mindset that I am speaking of, and your answer to this is "the liberal churches do this to us, too", let me assure you that they don't.  They don't have the same militaristic "hoo-yah" attitude as God's anointed ones t carry the fight into the godless parts of the country- quite the opposite.  They just shake their heads and mourn the loss of family and friends who can't agree with Jewish Space Lasers, the unseen Kabal and the Mark of The Beast that is a COVID-19 vaccine.  I should also add that any liberal or progressive church that does do this is just as wrong and should be policed as well.

So, where I'm headed with this is actually pretty simple.  I plan to make a lot of noise about the thing I know the most about - that is, the thing that I have better knowledge of because of my involvement in it, and that's the absolute 'moronicization' of the American Evangelical Christian Church.  How am I qualified to do this?  I'm not qualified n the least, but:

I think that some of the OG conservative pundits had part of that statement correct: We do need to police our own.  I am not a Muslim, nor am I a politician (perish THAT thought), but I am a believer in God, and your politics will not and have not ever dictated that, and I plan to speak about it.

Anyone wanna join me?


Sunday, January 12, 2025

that's it

 For 2025, I am taking the gloves off on far right, "christian" conspiracy theories and those who spread them.  Today is the first of what I plan to make a regular, no-punches-pulled set of entries that will illustrate the lunacy - STRIKE THAT - the lies that are being sent from these people.

Our first installment today comes from Victor Davis Hanson. Mr. Hanson is one of the most prolific writers of history (mainly military history).  He has decided to print his thoughts now as a Republican and frequently releases videos that mark his points.  Mr. Harris knows well how to source statements, as he frequently does so when writing about history.

In the spirit of critical thought, let's all watch this video as Mr. Hanson claims to know the cause of the Southern California wildfires earlier this month:

Now, leaving aside the fact that Mr. Hanson was never in the front lines as a firefighter, there's one thing that seriously bothers me in the video and others made by Mr. Hanson- absolutely no corroborating evidence.  He has copious uses of the word "they" and never tells us who "they" are and makes assertions that are completely unproveable like "they want to take California back to the 19th century" without explaining why "they" would want that in the first place.

It doesn't take long to discern that something is amiss here.  I saw this video at 7:00am this morning, and now it's 1pm and I have completed investigating the assertions made here that seem to be able to be researched.  So, here's what I found:

ASSERTION: LAFD Fire Chief Kristin Crowley and Deputy Chief Kristine Larson claimed publicly that they intended to have 70-80% DEI-based hires, regardless of experience.

I could find absolutely nothing to corroborate this.  Researching this a bit further:
The LAFD has implemented initiatives to promote diversity within its ranks. In November 2022, the department launched its first-ever Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Bureau, led by Deputy Chief Stephen Gutierrez, aiming to ensure a safe, diverse, and inclusive workplace.
In 2022, of the more than 6,500 applicants to the LAFD, 70% were people of color, and nearly 8% were women, which is double the current percentage of female firefighters within the department.

ASSERTION: Gavin Newsom redirected water to the ociean instead of the California Aqueduct, which is the cause of the lack of water and water pressure.
The claim that California Governor Gavin Newsom redirected water from the Sacramento River to the ocean instead of the California Aqueduct is a simplified or mischaracterized explanation of water management policies and decisions. Here's the context:

Water Management in California
  1. Environmental Protections: A significant portion of water from the Sacramento River flows naturally into the San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. This is not a "redirection" but part of the natural hydrological cycle. However, water management policies sometimes require limiting the amount of water diverted for human use to protect endangered species, such as the delta smelt and Chinook salmon, which rely on adequate freshwater flow.
  2. Drought and Water Allocations: During droughts, water allocations are adjusted. Some criticize these adjustments, arguing they prioritize environmental needs over agricultural and urban water demands. Others support them, citing long-term ecosystem health and legal obligations under federal and state laws.
  3. California Aqueduct: The aqueduct is a vital part of California's water infrastructure, moving water from northern to southern California. Decisions about how much water is diverted into the aqueduct are based on multiple factors, including water availability, infrastructure capacity, environmental laws, and court rulings.
• Reputable news outlets like the Los Angeles Times, Sacramento Bee, and San Francisco Chronicle often cover California's water issues in depth.
• Academic and policy analysis from institutions like the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) provide insights into water management.

ASSERTION: Gavin Newsome claimed publicly (bragged) that he blew up 4 dams on the Klamath River.  These dams provided clean hydroelectric power to 80,000 homes.
Governor Gavin Newsom did not personally claim to have "blown up" the four dams on the Klamath River. However, he has been a prominent supporter of the dam removal project, which aimed to restore the river's ecosystem and support salmon populations. The four dams—J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, and Iron Gate—were part of the Klamath River Hydroelectric Project and collectively generated approximately 169 megawatts of electricity, sufficient to power about 80,000 homes.

ASSERTION: There is no timber industry left in California due to fires.
It is not true that there is no timber industry left in California. The timber industry in California still exists, but it has significantly declined over the years due to a variety of factors, including environmental regulations, changing economic conditions, and shifts in land use.
Current Status of the Timber Industry in California

ASSERTION: Gavin Newsome gave away firefighting equipment to help Ukraine.
  • Several fire departments in California donated surplus firefighting equipment to Ukraine. These donations, initiated in 2022, were part of humanitarian efforts to support Ukrainian firefighters amid the ongoing conflict. For instance, the Los Angeles County Fire Department contributed hoses, nozzles, helmets, body armor, and other personal protective equipment.
  • Additionally, the Kern County Fire Department donated a fire engine to Ukraine, which has been actively used in responding to emergencies caused by the conflict.
  •  These contributions were made from surplus supplies and were intended to aid Ukrainian first responders facing challenging conditions. It's important to note that these donations were coordinated in 2022 and were not connected to the recent wildfires in California.

Interestingly enough (and not surprising to this author) I tried to research these claims using the more "religious/right wing" sources (Truth Social, X, Fox News, etc.) and when I could find mention of these things, those outlets had the same use of "they" that Mr. Hanson refers to, but absolutely no actual corroborating evidence whatsoever.  References like "taking California back to the 19th century" were heard with the pronoun "they", but we have no idea who "they" are and no mention of why "they" would want to do these things, except to say that it's an anti-human conspiracy.

Now, I know what you're thinking- "Why would you waste your time on something like this?" It's pretty simple.  Lies are the transportation vehicle for evil.  It's time to call people like Mr. Hanson what they are- liars.  They are not mistaken or brainwashed.  They are LYING, and it's time this gets exposed for what it is.

Stay tuned here- I have a rather large article (it might be a series) on Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.  He's not a mainstream liar like a lot of the people you've heard of like Mark Driscoll or Charlie Kirk, but his style of preaching is one of the more sinister styles I've seen in a long, long time.

putting my money where my mouth was

 I've had a few of my readers ask me why I feel the need to "poke the bear" on the topic of Christian-led conspiracy theories....